| Read Time: 6 minutes | Car Accident

How Much Is My Car Accident Claim Worth?

After a car crash, one of the first things victims want to know is how much their car accident claim is worth. More specifically, they want to know how much money they can secure to help with their injuries. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is not as clear-cut as many hope. Payouts from car accident claims range from...

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| Read Time: 8 minutes | Personal Injury

Why Do You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

An accident can occur anywhere and at any time, and a person’s negligence usually is responsible for the damage. The consequences of a party’s carelessness can last a long time after the accident. The emotional effects and financial costs can impact the injured individual’s quality of life. State laws allow victims of negligent accidents to sue for damages. You...

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| Read Time: 7 minutes | Personal Injury

What Is Considered Road Rage?

More and more areas of Phoenix have seen a rise in their driving population, and traveling on the road is not always enjoyable. The experience could lead to high levels of stress. Aggressive driving has become an issue in many places, leading to more frequent and serious auto accidents. In several cases, motorists exhibit signs of road rage. Road...

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| Read Time: 7 minutes | Car Accident

Arizona Dram Shop Laws: Claims & Liability

People die every day in drunk driving accidents. Nationally, 1.9 percent of drivers have admitted to drinking too much and then driving. Further, statistics show that over one million drivers are typically arrested yearly for driving under the influence. However, data shows this only accounts for 1 percent of the 111 million people who admitted to driving after drinking...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | All Articles

March Pet Photo Contest Winners!

Congratulations to All of Our Participants & Winners! 1st Place: Bridgette Lee Phipps 2nd Place: Kayla Johnson 3rd Place: Cheryl Samuelson 4th Place: Taylor Kelly 5th Place: Juana S. We made it through all the ““, “‘” and comments, we are ready to announce the winners of our first Pet Photo Contest. As we shared before, each and every...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | All Articles

Top Reasons Why NOT to Post an Accident on Social Media

Social media makes it possible to share a variety of information with friends and loved ones, but that same feature can lead to some serious legal problems. Many people share their emotions and frustrations in status updates as well as the details of their daily activities. Important news, from the announcement of a new baby to a cross-country move...

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| Read Time: 5 minutes | All Articles

Who Covers Expenses in a Hit and Run Accident?

Being involved in a hit and run accident can be devastating for anyone. It can have serious mental and physical consequences. However, knowing who will cover the expenses can be a huge source of relief in these situations. Understanding the complex method of payment for a hit and run car accident will help you to be best equipped to garner...

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| Read Time: 5 minutes | All Articles

Deadly Wrong-Way Driver Accidents on the Rise in Arizona

Heading down the road or highway and coming across a wrong-way driver can be a terrifying and catastrophic experience. Unfortunately, the number of these types of car accidents has increased over the years. But why is that? Our Phoenix personal injury legal team wanted to investigate to find out more. Over 10 years ago, law enforcement officers and officials...

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