| Read Time: 7 minutes | Motorcycle Accident

Is Arizona a No-Fault State for Car Accidents?

A simple mistake while driving can result in an accident. If you caused an accident in Arizona, your insurance company will likely be responsible for paying the other driver’s damages from your at-fault accident. This is because Arizona operates under a fault-based system for car, truck, and motorcycle accidents. Thus, Arizona is not a no-fault state.  This means a driver...

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| Read Time: 7 minutes | Motorcycle Accident

How Long Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Take?

Individuals who get hurt in a motorcycle accident face significant expenses, not to mention physical and emotional difficulties. It’s understandable to want to know how long it will take to pursue a lawsuit and secure compensation for their losses. Without knowing the specifics of a case, however, motorcycle accident lawyers can only give broad estimates of how long a...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | All Articles

Defective Car Injury Lawyer in Arizona

Help! My car is defective and caused an accident – Do I need a lawyer? Our Phoenix personal injury attorneys hear this quite frequently. It is no surprise that today’s automobiles are much safer than ever. Technologies, devices, and equipment ensure car passengers and drivers are well-protected. Seat belts, road and vehicle condition monitoring computers, crumple zones, airbags, and...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Motorcycle Accident

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident in Arizona

Accidents involving motorcycles are some of the most serious crashes on Arizona roadsm therefor is important to know what to do after a motorcycle accident. The standard design of a motorcycle offers very minimal protection from impact with other vehicles. Potential issues that may contribute to, or cause, a motorcycle accident include driver error, improper traffic control devices, poorly...

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| Read Time: 7 minutes | All Articles

Arizona Statute of Limitations for Car Accidents

In the state of Arizona, the statute of limitations for car accidents is two years from the date of your accident. However, exceptions do exist and the law is complex to navigate without legal guidance. Many injured car accident victims in Arizona miss the deadline for filing a claim simply because they do not realize they can or believe...

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| Read Time: 7 minutes | Motorcycle Accident

What Is the Average Payout for a Motorcycle Accident in 2024?

When it comes to the average payout for a motorcycle accident, these amounts can range wildly. Yet, no average payout reflects your settlement following a motorcycle collision. In some instances, your case can result in substantially more money, while in others, you may receive much less. “To fully understand the average payouts for motorcycle collisions, it is essential to...

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| Read Time: 7 minutes | Motorcycle Accident

Losing a Loved One in a Motorcycle Accident

It is a traumatic experience to receive the life-altering news that a loved one has died in a motorcycle accident. As a surviving family member of a motorcycle accident victim, you likely have many questions about the events leading up to the accident and who may be responsible. The aftermath of a loved one’s motorcycle accident death can fill...

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| Read Time: 8 minutes | Motorcycle Accident

How Can a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Help You?

It’s no secret that America has thousands of motorcyclists. The favorable weather and smooth roads make various states the perfect destination for motorcyclists. Still, American roads remain relatively dangerous for motorcyclists, with hundreds of motorcycle accidents occurring annually. The damages can be painful, lifelong, and expensive if you’ve been in a motorcycle accident. Having a motorcycle accident lawyer to...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | All Articles

After an Auto Accident You Have Questions. We Have Answers

The number of car accidents in Phoenix is staggering, and it’s important to know what steps to take when choosing a car accident lawyer you have been injured. Phoenix car accident lawyers can provide legal advice and representation for those seeking compensation as well as those who were at fault. The best way to find a good lawyer is...

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| Read Time: 5 minutes | Motorcycle Accident

Tips to Prevent Motorcycle Accident Injury on Arizona Roads

Riding motorcycles has been a passion for many Americans over the years, and most riders still use their motorcycle as their main source of transportation to and from work. The U.S. Bureau of Transport states that registrations of motorcycles have increased from 1997 to 2006 by 75 percent. It seems as if every time a new model comes out...

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