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Riding motorcycles has been a passion for many Americans over the years, and most riders still use their motorcycle as their main source of transportation to and from work. The U.S. Bureau of Transport states that registrations of motorcycles have increased from 1997 to 2006 by 75 percent. It seems as if every time a new model comes out on the market, there is an individual seeking their license so they can have the chance to take it for a ride.

Unfortunately for the general public, the more the number increases of motorcycle riders, the more common motorcycle accident injury occurs during a year’s time. In 2018, the number of motorcycle accident fatalities peaked at 150 deaths related to motorcycles.

Had a motorcycle accident?

Have you been hurt in a motorcycle accident in Arizona? Speak with a Phoenix motorcycle accident attorney Jason Hutzler immediately and Know Your Rights!

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Many times, we have heard from motorcyclists that it’s not the rider that caused the accident but other vehicles on the road that disregard the person on the motorcycle.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, it is important to contact an attorney knowledgeable about these types of accidents to get the help you need. Not only can they help you with legal advice and building a strong case to present to the court, but they can also point you in the right direction of local resources to help you during your time of need. Without an attorney, there is the chance that you will never receive compensation for the injuries you sustained in the accident. 

Motorcycle Accident Injury Statistics 

  • Sadly, in one recent year, there were 32,885 fatalities due to a motorcycle accident. 
  • 6 out of 10 motorcycle accidents occur after dark. 
  • There were 916 fatal motorcycle crashes in Arizona in the year 2018. 
  • In one recent year in the state of Arizona, there was a total of 36,507 motorcycle crashes. 
  • Riders that are over 50 years of age are more likely to be involved in fatal crashes. 

Source: ADOT 2018 Crash Statistics

Effective Ways to Help Reduce the Risk of a Motorcycle Accident Injury 

It can be a very unsettling feeling when you sit down and think about how many motorcycle accidents occur and how severe the injuries are if the accident didn’t cause a fatality. Just because this produces an unsettling feeling, does not mean that a motorcyclist should be deterred from feeling the wind on their face as they ride to their favorite destination. As with any accident, there are multiple ways to reduce the risk of a motorcycle accident as the driver or motorcycle injury as a passenger by doing just a few simple things.

For example, in Arizona, there were around 6% of motorcycle accidents that were caused by a motorcyclist driving while they were under the influence of drugs or alcohol. By avoiding driving under the influence, you could greatly reduce the number of motorcycle accidents happening. 

Below you will find a list of ways to prevent a motorcycle crash from happening: 

  • Maintaining control of the bike. Many factors including speed, weather, and road conditions can very easily affect the rider’s ability to maintain the stability of the bike. It is very crucial that a rider takes these things into consideration before they even turn the key on their bike. If it is raining and the roads are slick, the rider’s chances of crashing greatly increase due to the difficulty of being able to brake with wet roads. In these types of conditions, it is important to always keep a safe distance from your bike and the vehicle ahead of you to avoid a collision. If the weather worsens while you are riding, just pulling over until the storm slows down can easily help you avoid an unwanted accident. It is always better to be safe than sorry in these cases.
  • Avoiding road hazards. Inexperienced motorcycle riders need to be well-aware of what types of hazards could potentially cause an accident. Some hazards that could cause a rider to crash are potholes, uneven lanes, and grooved pavement. In Arizona, around 11 percent of motorcycle accidents had involved a rider and an object such as work zone equipment set up on the road. It is important that you always proceed with caution the moment you see a work zone sign ahead of you to help avoid a collision with the work equipment or operators.
  • Always keep a motorcycle well-maintained and inspect it on a regular basis. It is important to remember to check the tires on your motorcycle to make sure that they are durable enough for all types of weather conditions. The brake pads are also important to check to ensure that the pads are in good shape and there are no leaking fluids anywhere. For night riders, it is more critical than ever to make sure that the lights are working properly and wiped down regularly to increase the brightness while coming into contact with traffic.
  • Never ride under the influence of drugs and alcohol. It was previously stated that hundreds of motorcycle accidents in the state of Arizona were caused by a rider driving under the influence. No rider, novice or experienced should ever ride a bike while they are impaired. Even riders who are prescribed certain medications that could potentially affect their mobility should ever ride after taking their daily dose of the prescription. Although they may think they are in control, there is always the chance of a delayed reaction while stoping or turning to dodge an object in the road.
  • Taking additional riding courses for added experience. Every motorcyclist has to take a motorcycle education course in order to obtain a license to ride on the road in Arizona. Although these courses will educate you on how to ride and what your state laws are, the education should never stop there. When the laws change, even the experienced riders should take what they call a “refresher course” to help keep them up to date on state laws and skills to help them avoid a potential accident while riding on the open road. Just a few new tips could potentially save their lives as well as others driving around them.

Riding Safely on the Road – Keeping Line of Sight

The tips provided to you and driving defensively should help all riders to be safer while out on the open road. Always remember that not all accidents can be prevented so it is important that a rider always prepares for the worst-case scenario. This means wearing protective gear like leather, gloves, helmets, and a jacket equipped with skid pads. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention states that wearing a helmet on a motorcycle can greatly reduce the chance of a head injury in an accident by 50 percent.  

If you or someone you love are unfortunate enough to be involved in a motorcycle accident, it is important that you contact a motorcycle accident attorney at Hutzler Law immediately. There is the possibility that you may be eligible to file a lawsuit and get compensation for things such as property damage, lost wages, and medical bills related to your injuries. Not contacting an attorney at Hutzler law could potentially mean that you will never receive any type of compensation from the motorcycle accident you were involved in. 

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Jason Hutzler

Jason Hutzler is the founding attorney of Hutzler Law, a Phoenix injury and car accident law firm dedicated to fighting for the rights of injury victims. He represents individuals throughout Arizona, using his experience as a former insurance adjuster to anticipate insurance company tactics and maximize compensation for his clients.

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