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Being involved in a hit and run accident can be devastating for anyone. It can have serious mental and physical consequences. However, knowing who will cover the expenses can be a huge source of relief in these situations.

Understanding the complex method of payment for a hit and run car accident will help you to be best equipped to garner the most if and when your case goes to court. Once you understand who will cover the expenses, and experience the relief of knowing that you won’t be held responsible for the cost of the damages or your injuries, you’ll begin to feel a lot better than you did before.

Who Covers the Expenses of Hit and Run?

Let’s imagine that you are driving home on the freeway back from work. A car traveling at high speed gets into your lane. This car hits you and takes off. By the time you get out of your car, the other driver is gone. Now, you have to take care of yourself and your car. You’ve just become the victim of a hit and run accident.

Other drivers may stop by to help you get back on your feet. The police will arrive to help you. However, the other driver will be long gone and you may not have any idea who hit you or what kind of vehicle it was. This is just part of what makes a hit and run accident so extremely frustrating.

And, in addition to everything you’ve just been through, you will also have to find ways to cover your expenses for medical injuries. You have to find ways to cover your car repairs. Understanding the kind of car insurance that will help you ahead of time can be an actual lifesaver in events like these. Here are the top car insurance policies that can pay for your hit and run expenses:

  • No-Fault/PIP Coverage
  • Collision Coverage
  • Uninsured Motorist Coverage
  • Liability Insurance

What Happens in the No-Fault/PIP Coverage Plan?

If you live in a no-fault car insurance state (Arizona is not), the PIP coverage will help you pay for car repairs. Additionally, the term PIP stands for Personal Injury Protection. It is applicable in a no-fault car insurance state. This will help you provide compensation for your:

  • Personal injuries
  • Lost wages
  • Cost of replacement services
  • Car repairs

However, the outcome of PIP coverage depends upon the state you live in (or where the accident occurred) and its local laws. All of these benefits come with predefined limits that are set by the car owner. This limit depends upon the amount of insurance that you currently have. However, in some cases, the upper limit for these benefits is decided according to your state’s law.

However, there are some things you should know about the PIP coverage. It will only offer compensation for economic losses. Moreover, it will not provide any compensation for your personal loss, pain, or other non-economic losses.

What Happens If You Have Collision Coverage Insurance?

This is among the most common types of car insurance. Importantly, the majority of car owners currently have only collision coverage insurance, which can be among the best car insurances for hit and runs car accidents.

If you currently have collision coverage insurance, you can easily claim vehicle damages caused by the hit-and-run driver. But, perhaps unfairly, you will have to pay a deductible on your collision coverage.

However, one of the drawbacks of this insurance plan is that it doesn’t offer compensation for personal injuries. Therefore, you can only claim compensation for vehicle damages and car repairs. Additionally, you cannot recover your deductible from the at-fault driver. Compensation can easily compensate for your vehicle damages. It can help you get back on your feet.

What Happens If You Have Uninsured Motorist Coverage?

This is one of the best car insurance policies to cover your hit-and-run accident. This insurance policy will help you recover your losses in the event that the unknown driver who hit you is not located, or even if they are and do not have insurance.

Another advantage of uninsured motorist coverage is that this type of insurance policy add-on helps you place the hit and run claim against your own insurance company, and you will not have to worry about finding the at-fault driver. Also, this insurance policy type allows you to more easily recover your losses from their insurance company if they are located.

But, if you cannot find the at-fault driver, you do not have to worry. The uninsured motorist coverage will help you claim your economic damages. Plus, it will also help you claim non-economic losses from your own insurance company.

However, the insurance company’s obligation will depend upon the amount of your insurance plan. And, in cases of hit and run accidents, you can also file a lawsuit against your insurance company. This lawsuit will help if they do not offer you a settlement according to your expectations.

If you are perseverant enough and have the right hit and run lawyer on your side, you can obtain the desired amount of compensation from your insurance company. This kind of insurance policy allows you to recover monetary compensation for your:

  • Medical bills
  • Car repairs
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering damages

However, you can only claim recovery of up to the limits of your uninsured motorist coverage. Additionally, the State will help you get reimbursed for your damages and car repairs. Uninsured motorist coverage is also a requirement in some states. Therefore, this is one of the best possible insurance plans for covering hit and run car accidents.

What Happens When You Have Liability Insurance?

If you do not live in a no-fault car insurance state, such as Arizona, liability insurance can easily help you protect yourself. It will help you protect yourself against claims for a hit and run accident.

You need to understand that this type of liability insurance will only protect you from claims made against you. Moreover, it will only protect you in case somebody else gets injured due to your own negligence.

Therefore, liability insurance cannot help pay for your hit and run expenses. It is only there to protect you in case of an accident. So, you need to get proper insurance coverage if the idea of a hit and run experience is something you do not wish to experience.

You can get in touch with local insurance companies and get the proper vehicle insurance for hit and run coverage. These insurance plans will help pay for hit and run expenses. These will also protect you against any lawsuits filed against you for hit and run damages. Find local companies and compare different insurance plans for yourself before making any final decisions.

You Can Trust Hutzler Law to Help With Your Hit and Run Accident

The lawyers at Hutzler Law have years of experience in hit and run accidents and recovery claims. Therefore, if you currently have a legal case for a hit and run claim, you can contact them for the kind of caring and attentive assistance you need. Hutzler Law will ensure that you get the rightful compensation for any damages associated with your hit and run.

The personal injury attorneys at Hutzler Law come with decades of resourceful experience in hit and run cases, and they can also help you present your hit and run case in front of a judge to win the compensation that’s fair.

Hutzler Law’s personal injury attorneys can also help you deal with your insurance company and fight for your vehicle damages. If you want to get the best legal help for your hit and run accident in Arizona, contact Hutzler Law today for a free Phoenix personal injury lawyer consultation about obtaining personal injury legal representation in Arizona. To begin with your free legal consultation, visit www.hutzlerlaw.com or dial (602) 730-4530 today.

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Jason Hutzler

Jason Hutzler is the founding attorney of Hutzler Law, a Phoenix injury and car accident law firm dedicated to fighting for the rights of injury victims. He represents individuals throughout Arizona, using his experience as a former insurance adjuster to anticipate insurance company tactics and maximize compensation for his clients.

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