| Read Time: 2 minutes | Community Events

According to the Arizona Department of Health Services, there were over 500 heat-related deaths in Arizona in 2021. While this loss of life is tragic, it isn’t necessarily surprising.

Phoenix is the hottest large city in the country, with Tucson ranking third on the list. When the heat rises, universal guidelines and tips suggest staying inside and drinking plenty of water, but what happens to the members of our communities that cannot heed this advice?

Temperatures in the desert regions of Arizona can easily exceed 100 degrees in the summer months. Unable to escape this extreme heat and without access to water, a large portion of the population in Phoenix and the surrounding areas is at risk of severe dehydration, heat stroke, and death. Heat-related illness can develop over the course of a few days or within as little as fifteen minutes in extreme heat.

Summer ThirstAid Project

Gurion Law is dedicated to helping our community both in and out of the courtroom. We are continually impressed with the impact that the Human Services Campus is able to achieve with its broad range of programs, and we’ve participated in their summer ThirstAid project for two years in a row.

After taking a tour of their 13-acre campus and speaking with members of the organization, it became clear that we had to get involved.

Gurion Law, along with Hutzler Law, provided 250 electrolyte packets to ThirstAid this summer. Electrolytes are beneficial for preventing and treating dehydration, which is an everyday threat for many of our state’s residents.

We also made a monetary donation so that the Human Services Campus could purchase six pallets of bottled water to hand out to their overheated clients.

Human Services Campus

We are so proud to be a part of the change that the Human Services Campus is creating throughout the Phoenix area. This organization does more than provide vital hydration resources in the sweltering summer heat.

They also provide medical and mental health services, housing assistance, emergency shelter, and job readiness support. For those suffering from food insecurity, the Human Services Campus serves three meals per day to hungry individuals and families.

What better way to give back to our community than by supporting an organization that provides such a broad spectrum of help to residents?

At Gurion Law, we have always pledged to advocate for our clients and be passionate defenders of their rights.

This approach to our work comes from our compassion for those in need and our dedication to excellence. These qualities are also what compelled us to participate in ThirstAid.

While Human Services Campus’ ThirstAid program has ended for 2022, anyone interested in contributing to the mission of the organization can still help in other ways. They accept monetary and in-kind donations year-round, as well as offer numerous volunteer opportunities.

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Jason Hutzler

Jason Hutzler is the founding attorney of Hutzler Law, a Phoenix injury and car accident law firm dedicated to fighting for the rights of injury victims. He represents individuals throughout Arizona, using his experience as a former insurance adjuster to anticipate insurance company tactics and maximize compensation for his clients.

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